Sunday, March 26, 2006 these pictures are supposed to be attached to the post following...they are in exact backwards order...i love technology! Have fun figuring!
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sorry guys...these are the backwards order how they should have been! Posted by Picasa

saint bridget's well its been a time to update you all on the bridgets doesn't feel right to call it my band so its THE band...: ) so some popularly asked questions...
1. what's the name mean? (matt likes to answer this one, so feel free to ask him...over and over and over...please...) well...just that, there was this lady in Ireland...granted we don't spell her name the way the traditional irish do (briget...briGET) and she was revered for her compassion. they sainted her after her death...and built a well in her honor...for those without one. anyways...being as bridget (briget) is a part of irish folk lore...there are also a million different versions of who she was, what she did and why she was sainted...some funny some odd...but that's the one we are sticking to...btw we chose that name because a friend of mine (thank you sarah bungay) thought it sounded cool...and yes. it does.
2. so where do you guys play?....well being as we used to do only covers (worship songs and whatnot) we are in a season of writing...some hotness might I add...and are excited about the future possibilites. We are however, having our first show in April at Dalhousie church in the north of we would love to see all of you there. There will also be the Bethany Players out, so come on down, because they are always a good show. We'll be doing some of our own songs...and some covers to fill out the time...and we are pump-ED. so now some pictures of teh band...: )
Meet Matt...married to the lovely Lisa, her picture is with me and the monkey...check old entries...feb. i think. matt plays guitar, sings, man show really...did i mention sings well?...

so here's the back of a cab in peru...actually in the trunk because there really never was enough room...i loved it! I wasn't really ready for the picture but my skin looks flawless so i need to save this for future generations to appreciate...(right now i have a zit on the end of my nose...actually...)

found one of matt and peru, first time I went was with the third year bethany class...good times...aren't they an attractive couple! Feel free to pray for them as they are gone for the next two weeks into Mexico with matt's youth group building houses, bonding with youth and the volunteers...

 this doesn't really fit into pictures of the band...however i have a horribly funny and terrible story to really do need to hear this is THE bathroom...outhouse really, that i was traumatized in for life....let me explain. So...the entire time we were in Peru, first time I'd been there, I was so proud of myself that none of the bugs really bothered me...until...this ...ugh...event happened. So...i went with a certain girl to the bathroom in this really wonderful village we were visiting...because it was dark and we needed someone to hold a flashlight over the stall so we could see where to situation ourselves...and she went to the bathroom first....and I FAITHFULLY held the flashlight over the stall...then when it was my turn....i entered the stall and all of a sudden...of course once i was in no position to run...the light leaves the stall...and first i was me out here...then i was not fine..surprisingly once the light was on...this is because of a little fact that erica and I were not aware of ....cockroaches do not like when it was dark...they all...and i swear i mean ALL came out to visit...but once the light came on...they froze still. Erica...did not believe thought it was funny to amuse herself and the passing villagers with my screams...(i really was being a little bit of a sissy in honesty) and would turn the light on and off....then when i was done...i showed her...and she apologized...and laughed a bit...we both did then...; ) but it gets then, we head back to the church meeting our team was holding...and its just about time for me to give my testimony....and mid testimony, "and I just found that my life was not going goi..go AGHGHHGHG (i started the top of my lungs because a flying beetle (which of course i confused for what i assumed was a flying cockroach) swooped and then kept swooping at my head...yeah...probably 100 peruvians laughing uncontrolably at the retarded foreigner...screaming because of a beetle...oh my word.) now for a picture of jon! (back to the band)

So here's jono...guitarist...sings..
writes....all around gooder....and as matt and i have discussed...all we need to sell cd's is jon's face on the cover...yes...

sell those cd's baby...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Why I'm Proud..., after reading some rage...aka jak's comments about not winning...I'm quite proud! Through this awesome contest (pretty much was the best contest known to mankind might I mention) I made you angry, adn thus proved that my blog has had an impact...haha sorry jak...rules are important and all..but you really should have known! : )

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I think a good product would be "Baby Duck Hat". It's a fake baby duck, which you strap on top of your head. Then you go swimming underwater until you

oh i go on heidi fishers web site and snoop around, she has quite a bit to check out if you have some time...and find...duh DAH!!! a little jack handy...dang...i'm it takes a bit...just keep reading and soon you'll be laughing out loud...personal favorite? feel free to leave one in my comments box...jack never gets old...

"Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you're drunk."....oh jack! seriously...maybe its not funny untill you read four or go check it out

Now for some randomness...

A little background for ya...(this picture makes me laugh everytime i see it...shoot!) the white HUGE, you can't even tell by this picture, and as HUGE as he is, he is equal parts the brown dog has convinced the white dog (did i mention the white dog could eat the brown one?) that he is his master...Hilarious to watch... Posted by Picasa


I feel like Kodak should pay me to use this picture in an ad... Posted by Picasa

The Burning Gitch is actually symbolic...

meet mark...sweet dear mark who didn't know what he was getting into when he let me download his africa pictures...anyways...THE GITCH IS SYMBOLIC! I've decided this pictures really captures a point I'd like to make...something that was brought to my attention this week...(i'm gonna build this one up so wait for the wont click in right away...) So, we are all, face it, in community. We can't get away from it really, even when we want to...its seems like that is the day that the post man feels chatty SO...we all experience community on some level. HOWEVER we also all have/and do know lonliness from time to time (sermon last week) but we don't know how to reconcile the two...more people = more mental (crazy/easily agitated), Less people seems to = More lonely... so we find ourselves in a little bit of a cycle....we meet them, want them to like us so we are open...honest and receptive (still with me?). Then, people being people, say something hurtful, DO something offensive, or just plain are annoying and we pull away....and sometimes...even close ourselves off completly from them...and eventually other people...we burn bridges (and in this case gitches). Lets imagine our relationships are like Mark's gitch here...Lets imagine we've done something to sully them...And truly wouldn't it just be easier to stop talking to someone than to talk about the screw up? Easier to ignore it (or deny it) than to clean it up? And it seems like, everytime we offend, that offense just sinks in...and it really needs some serious pre-treating of shout or something to get it out after easy task once its been sitting...Now in defense of Mark's actions here....I've heard that he NEEDED to burn this particular pair...past the point of salvation let me tell you! haha (just hearsay...) But yeah...I'm not giving some how to here, just a small commentary on what I think our nature leans to, and we should be aware of it Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 10, 2006


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Ok people...its that time! To announce the winner of the Poet's Corner Challenge! woohoo! after some serious deliberation with the judges (sorry aunt bev...4 out of 5 voted for yours but we were veto'd last round from the fact that you are my lovely....) soooo the grand winner!!! Due to the fact that they wrote about starbucks...dear to my heart....and they probably really really need a care package....AMBER DESCHESNESSSS!!!! crying really the rest of you...however, do go check out the poems...some are quite me your adress and a grand prize will be on it's way!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Meet Davie! if this guy (front and center) hadn't brought me back a djembe from Africa..i quite possibly could hate him right now! So yeah...he's actually there...watching that game...and yeah...he just so happened to mention to me...dang betti...i'm going to be seeing Jack SPAIN...ok i'm getting over it slowly...and i definetly don't hate dave..but don't you wanna just a little? : )  Posted by Picasa

Dancin' queen..

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Why thank you Janelle!!!

my dear friend janelle here....just happens to be displaying a great point...the point i have been trying to make for some time now...keep your eye on the prize...enter the poetry contest (one entry per couple (i'm single...i can make unfair rules like that) and you COULD...SLASH...WILL WIN A PRIZE!!! yes..i literally will send you a prize...please enter under Poet's Corner Challenge (which can be found in February's archieves) and submit your poem under comments....I'm actually quite taken aback at how great the writting has actually been...dang...its hard to choose...please feel free to make it harder... Posted by Picasa

Time Warp

As you might be able to tell...i lost the little cable that goes with my camera and hooks up to my computer...this has put a damper on which photos i we're going through the archieves of the past couple years...i'm excited to clean (thus finding the cable) and give you all updated pictures!

Not Enough Shame in this World...

what can i say? camp, camp camp and more camp....that and the 'funny' idea that one of us had to wear second hand grandma bathings suits from a thrift store...ugh, shudder shudder...down to the waterfront...i actually think we scared some kids...for real.... Posted by Picasa

Back Page....

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Front Page

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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Here Goes! honestly its not the funnest thing in the world to do..asking someone to tell you what the weaknesses they see in you are...but its a healthy do it! It should only take a minute, don't worry about hurting feelings...i'll find out where you sleep...just jokes. Plus you can tell me lovely things in the Johari window too... click here
and the tough things... click on here...
hope this works out!
Thanks for your time!

Friday, March 03, 2006 tried to add erica's blog to my go see's list(one of many corky i just couldn't remember your blogs name or it would have been first!) you can see to the right here...but it doesn't work yet...any know how?

OKAY ALREADY! erica ray...also known as 'the other erica'. So I'm bloggin this pictures to describe the sheer joy of the moment today...let me tell you! I chickened out of quitting the spa/club job...had to work and couldn't do it over the phone...but i knew i had too...a little back ground...GREAT people, i could work there forever but the problem lies in how long it takes to get there and the lack (and i mean LACK) of moulah that goes along with it...Plus its hard to do a morning job right after a closing shift at the to deal? so i decided to quit...but then called in that I could not go...because I was I"M QUITTING MONDAY..i write this like this so that i will do it and not chicken out again! I just hate quitting things...i figure I'm just being too demanding or that I can make it work...i always feel guilt for it...which makes me think that i really need to think about this...why feel guilty? today, at starbucks (THE JOB IM NOT QUITTING, just to clarify) I choose to have a good attitude..dang i prayed all morning to get over my failure (did i mention i hate quitting?) and just gave it up and let it go...i had to or i was gonna be a crappy supervisor that i had a great shift...laughed with customers, gave free stuff away and WHAM I started talking to a guy...and he talks about my attitude...and if that isn't enough, gives me his buisness card (business systems analysis) and tells me I should call him, we are gonna go out for coffee...and although he can't promise anything, he might have some work for me! Buisness like work...pays more than 8.70 work....that my dear friends, very well could pump me up...however, i really need to remember why i quit the last one...BUSY-NESS DOES NOT EQUATE GODLINESS but however neither does not doing anything...any thoughts anyone??? I'd love to hear what you all think...and I'll update you all as to the quitting process (ps...drew, muffin, or anyone else who knows my bosses or has any affiliation...please keep this information to yourself! thanks!) Posted by Picasa


In case you haven' the comments...killer funny...(enter the contest....)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Someone write a poem about this dear resemblence!

what can i say about this? oh i miss your llamalikeness...: ) Submit your poems under the Poet's Corner Challenge comments! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ecuador.. we definetly crossed a certain river...which certainly happened to be the border between equador and peru and had to have a picture of the interesting part about this event was the small detail of lacking technically we 'weren't there'...: ) Posted by Picasa name is bettina and...

RETRACTION: ok, i had to edit this post for the very important reason that i had my dear friends, erica...depicted below, and nathan, remind me of what this picture was all about...haha i had actually forgotten...we were in Sullana Peru, sweating like we honestly had never sweat before and erica...thanks to some over zealous peruvian evangelists...had been in the sun for tooooo long....needless to say she is obviously...and i quote..."peeling like a bat on Hannakah" and case you are wondering I don't know what that means either..but to us it was histerical! Posted by Picasa
meet lisa...(non monkey, non me) married to Matt (one of the other guys in stbridgetswell)...i just thought this was a fun picture from Peru (2004, First time out there) Posted by Picasa

Fifth Avenue Club i got another job! I am now the Juice Bar girl at Fifth Avenue Club...which is quite a hot job might I mention...mostly because it includes a free gym membership..but lots of early mornings...however I won't mention my early morning woe's being as many a 'subscriber' to my blog has shot me down for whinning! POINT being, i am hoping to go with erica, erica, dana and amy to SAN DIEGO for a week in may to rest and relax...but right now working two jobs...there is not much rest or relax happening....

Contest Cut Off

what a great start! I've decided to post a cut off date for teh contest, which will be on the 1st of April...ok...get writting! (You too Aunt Bev)