Friday, February 24, 2006

Peruvian Trophy

yes...its that time again...time for ugly pictures of foreign animals! This here is the pride of Peru...well one of. It's a peruvian hairless dog...yes....acutally. I once ran into a man carrying such a dog and was lucky enough to hear the history and usefulness' of such charming creatures. They aparently are the perfect pet. First of all there is the fact that they never shed. Bonus. Secondly, being as they have no hair, they are cold and have a natural tendency to have the shivers...all the time...for real. so , as the lovely man informed me, the eldery should (he did not say can...but SHOULD) all own such dogs and sleep naked (he did say naked) beside them at night in their beds...then the shivering dog...which also has one of the highest body temperature of any pet...would keep them warm. Of course, PJ's would hinder this, but that's just my opinion.  Posted by Picasa


Blogger Janelle said...

ok, that's just kinda gross. i don't think i could handle such a hairless pet. would you actually "pet" your animal then? cute dog, just wish it had hair!

2:51 PM  

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