Saturday, February 18, 2006

Why I love my family

Say Hello to my Family. This is mom and george, and living in calgary makes me very very homesick for the cooking and humor of my family. So when I call home...i always have some question for george pertaining to who wrote "elanor Rigby" ...beatles or aretha....just a random thought...i should know, but george is on the case..when george gets back to me, i'll let you know. and then there is my mom....ah mom. She is probably the most wonderful woman ever...yeah i'm biased..but did you know...this is a hot little piece of trivia, when she was in her early 20's she was in a running club in Quebec. And she was top of her class and was offered to run the Olympic Torch to represent her group for a mile. Cool hey? is a miss my family day... Posted by Picasa


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