Saturday, February 11, 2006

El Che

now...honestly i know nothing of Che except for what i saw on the Motorcycle Diaries (which i reccomend whole heartedly by the way) so any comments would be greatly appreciated on the historical significance blah blah, jokes with the name che in them...whatever really...
This is actually a gas would you like your face on a gas station....hmm Posted by Picasa


Blogger officehourthoughts said...

Che!? well all I know is that he was born ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna on June 14th, 1938 and that he died October 9, 1967. We was an Argentine doctor, Marxist revolutionary, politician, and Cuban guerilla leader. He was a bember of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement (when Castro took over Cuba) Then he wrote some books on the theory of guerrilla warefare. In 1965 he left Cuba with the intention of fomenting revolutions first in the Congo-Kinshasa (later called the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and then Bolivia. In Bolivia he was captured interrogated and then killed by the Bolivian Soldiers.
After his death he became a bit of an icon for socialism (and Rage Against the Machine fans) but it is unfortunate that they fail to look at some of the other facts about his life.

He was enthusiastic about executing opponents of the Cuban Revolution. Some of Che's writing is cited as evidence of this enthusiasm, as quoted in an article by Alvaro Vargas Llosa. For example, in his "Message to the Tricontinental" he writes of "hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine."

Che was also labled a "sociopathic thug".

Che Guevara was responsible for the torture and execution of hundreds of people in Cuban prisons, and the murder of many more peasants in the regions controlled or visited by his guerrilla forces.

And then just a little tidbit to close. There are some who belive that Che never acctually graduted from medical school. There is no evidence that he was ever there or did his studies... for what that's worth. Hope that helped

7:47 AM  
Blogger betty said...

ladies and nathan!

11:51 AM  

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