Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Folks Visited

It was sweet...we chilled, they purchased lovely things like a fan! and patio chairs, we went to movies (xmen 3 which i thoroughly enjoyed), went up the calgary tower and was legitimately scared standing on that glass floor...yeah...here's the action shot of fear when i finally stood 100% on the glass....AHHHH. oye. we ate at Catch, which is a great little seafood place on stephans and man that was good....and affordable since i certainly had no part in paying! Its funny...but when they left i nearly had a nervous breakdown...i didn't understand why it was so hard for me either...there i was freaking out because my 'mummy' was going back home? was i a freak? Why was my parents leaving all of a sudden such an event for me? Well I'm going to venture that it must have had something to do with the fact that i am finally growing up...leaving for bethany and the internship the last 6 years wasn't a big deal because I was leaving...not them. This time, THEY left ME and now i'm left to deal with reality...i am no longer my parents responsibility...although they bail me out often enough...its time to cut that cord...I sobbed uncontrollably...it was ridiculous. Posted by Picasa


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