Saturday, August 12, 2006

Camp Update

So i basically fell in love with camp all over again...and spent a lot of time in the kitchen...there were five of the most lovely people working in there...the word on the street (or dirt road as it is at camp) was that there were always boys hanging around the kitchen....well that's because the five people working in there are gorgeous ladies! I'll add myself to that...there were six....So camp went amazingly...and there was a game of late night water spoons in which there was some sketchy rule about not being allowed to leave if you didn't...well we don't really need to discuss we? : ) But kid /speaking wise, this was a treat for me. It wasn't stressful like the previous time i spoke, but this time, i was acutally chill...even before speaking. God is good. was and is. I really missed speaking into kids lives...telling them of God's love, speaking about creation and just how they are a part of it...they are a part of that 'it' that we all think about late at night, or in worship, or even when we've had too much to drink....not that i mentioned drinking but i talked about ' it' a lot. Just that life a PART of God not APART from God....but yeah. THANKs so much to those that prayed and even to those that didn't...because i like you either clarify! ; ) I had so much fun too....did i mention? Very vacation like...and they uped the if you have ever given to camp or will ever give to camp, thank you because i was sick broke!  Posted by Picasa


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